Welcome to KRI Analytics Inc

Helping you transform your data into actionable intelligence

through the use of


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What is BAT® Analytics?

Organizational data is essential for understanding the impact of risk, and for informing the development of strategies and interventions to support profitability. Operational Integrity issues have been an accelerator of long-standing trends and changes in the retail and services industry, amplifying pre-existing weaknesses, and inequalities. Having the right data and analytic approaches are key to addressing these issues.

The BAT® (Business Analytics Tool) application is a modular exception-based reporting and analysis system designed to provide insight into operational integrity and organizational risk. With simplified hierarchies and measures, it creates visibility to current business conditions that provide for the creation of focused strategic planning opportunities as well as identification and control of integrity issues.

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The numbers are compelling


Prosecution Rate


Accumulated Case Value


Lines of Data


Number of Cases in Last 12 Months

Why use our Business Analytics Tool ?

Information locked in enterprise and legacy systems is incredibly valuable

Weighted Metrics

Each metric has it's own level of importance when ranking the locations. BAT® allows each metric to be assigned it's own weight, which is factored in the ranking algorithm.

KRI by Category

Using 'Key Risk Indicators' in regression analysis to show dependant variables (outcomes) based on a series of independent variables (predictors/covariates).

Drill Down to Source

Identifying a number outside of normal business practices is only useful if the causal occurence or event is identified.

Exceptions and Analysis

Basic reports cannot determine or identify risk outliers alone. BAT® tracks transactions on an exception basis to build a summary for further examination using pre-defined thresholds.

Hierarchical Reporting

Hierarchy Reports are a class of reports in which the data is naturally organized and presented all the way to detailed level.

Ad Hoc SMART Reports

Individualized reporting is critcial to an agile relevant tool. BAT®'s SMART Reports user interface allows indivudal field slection and report creation.

BAT® Demo Module

The Demo Module guides you through the most important aspects of the Business Analytics Tool focusing on the Balanced Scorecard, Exceptions and Analytics, Case Management and Smart Reports.

Customize Your Portfolio

Each vertical addressed in BAT® has hard coded specifics relative to the nuances of your business. You choose the reporting and modules specific to the needs of your business and associated goals.

  • All
  • Operations
  • Integrity
  • Strategy

Company Level Reporting

Company Level Dashboard

Operations and Strategy

Category Level Reporting

KRIs by Category

Operations and Strategy

Regional Level Reporting

Regional Level Dashboard

Operations and Strategy

Payment Card Exceptions

Payment Card Exceptions


Internal Audit Reporting

Internal Audit Opportunity Report


Location Level Reporting

Store Level Balanced Scorecard

Operations and Strategy

Employee Exceptions

Employee Exceptions


Location Exceptions

Location Exceptions


Ad Hoc SMART Reports

AdHoc SQL Reports


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Canned Exception Risk Reports

Canned reports allow your organization to generate immediately usable data for regular or periodic reporting. A variety of pre-prepared reports developed by our experts are provided for ease of use and immediate return on investment. .